Monday, December 24, 2012

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The sheltering has reached the goal, Mallett found no garrison in West month on our rotations. Meng Haitao also we changed the call.
In addition, the four main fleet gathered in the Milky Way galaxy, so we will take advantage of the card wind theater the existing three protective Fleet exercises all transferred Rs galaxies, while four fairways patrol a total of two hundred thousand Black Shark deployed in the monsoon and the Yuan Hai galaxy prevent Hepu people breach of contract.
The first Ranger Regiment In addition to replacing the first part of the defense fleet, all the rest hidden in Mary Autonomous Region, and the the the second Ranger Regiment still Puhai galaxy standby. Meng Haitao went.
Gan grams, are you going to start? Watching The Empire at the galactic center, in front of the emperor's face yells its subordinate Expeditionary Force staff officer, I did not expect this slightly thin, tall is not the guy actually ordered warships main guns unlimited attack the planet to completely destroy the check plus the will to resist, and the means to enable the Henla the Sundream also some feel that the use of force transition.
Gan grams can be no sun so many ideas, and this time he only thinking is how to quickly resolve Mallett and forces to minimize the loss, so you hear the questioning of the sun immediately replied: My lord, we deliberation decided First attack by French special forces the card wind theater two defense fleet north ring galaxy fairway on, resulting in the Ranger Regiment is trying to get through the waterway to support the illusion of Nushi, at the same time so that the Nushi start immediately raid, the use of motorized advantages pulling the Haiao forces advance into the Secret Fleet use Nushi attract expand rear harassing, so you can not take into account the troops guarding the to let Haiao main, can not quickly make accurate judgments.
At the same time, the four main fleet stationed in the Milky soldiers special forward pressure method, cause we will at all costs to get through the and path between Asian martial galaxy to Contact and support Nushi Fleet illusion of the same time, the early replacement the first Ranger Regiment four divisions to Mallett patrol immediately launched a massive hunt on the ground to wipe out defending the border, may cause tense border attract Mallett more troops.
Gan grams paused, continued: entire Mallett, a total of three Corps and five independent Fleet, which does not include some of his patrols, is expected to Mallett's total strength is likely to reach 2.5 million, in accordance with our existing The strength of an eating very difficult so caused local tension makes the other galaxies concentrated heavily month in the West, then we can make use of the advantage in weapons, and focus on the eradication of some Mallett effective strength, so that we can lay a landing for later action a good foundation.
The Sundream nodded, obviously very satisfied with their plans Gan grams,air jordan clothes for kids, looking at the galaxy map with a red dot shows that the Third Fleet in Fatemalai two Hanmang also become increasingly Sheng.
Notice-Uul, from now on so that he decided to go to war time, the only requirement is attracted by Marlene the near Haiao side garrison could not move. The sun issued a final order. Meng cloud, you immediately sent two defense fleet from rupees starting near North Central Galaxia to Fateyasen Administrative Region, the number of skill gave how much skill, and I must let everyone thought we were going to open up the fairway at all costs.
Beside Zhang Kai and Meng Yunli that excited the King from the Eli Lilly.
Notification Jiang Fei

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